Operational headquarter: Via Londra, 8 - 10 Zona PIP 09094 Marrubiu (OR)
Phone +39-0783/856059
Fax +39-0783/856282
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2012 brought SELT engineering a challenge the likes of which had never been seen before in Italy. We were assigned the task of installing three large scale wind turbines, each with a rotor height of 93 m and a power output of 3.2 MW.
The project acts as a symbol of renewal for a geographic area closely linked to the imposing coal fired thermal power station of Fiume Santo (Italy) and lays the foundations for a sustainable future for the area.
The Main Challenge
Implementing a project of this size carried implications across various fields. In addition to electrical works, we are also required to manage civil works involving the utmost technical difficulty.
The most effective technique for constructing the foundationsrequired the operation to be carried out with no interruptions.
After twelve hours of continuous casting, two concrete mixing pumps and the contents of seventy-five cement mixers per foundation, the process was finally complete.

A Multidisciplinary Team
We believe that the competitive edge of a company in the energy sector can be measured in terms of its technical specialization and global vision.
Our employees’ ability to move between different operational lines and to master various situations are the result of a precise business strategy.
At SELT, we invest in a continuous training process aimed at diversifying and integrating the skill sets of our staff.
Key Points
Construction of a 9.6 MW wind farm
Laying of approx. 1800 m³ of concrete
Laying of approx. 200,000 kg of reinforcing bars
2,600 m of conduit comprising two parallel lines of 3x1x185 medium voltage cable